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", options: { classes: {}, disabled: !1, create: null }, _createWidget: function (t, i) { i = n(i || this.defaultElement || this)[0]; this.element = n(i); this.uuid = v++; this.eventNamespace = "." + this.widgetName + this.uuid; this.bindings = n(); this.hoverable = n(); this.focusable = n(); this.classesElementLookup = {}; i !== this && (, this.widgetFullName, this), this._on(!0, this.element, { remove: function (n) { === i && this.destroy() } }), this.document = n( ? i.ownerDocument : i.document || i), this.window = n(this.document[0].defaultView || this.document[0].parentWindow)); this.options = n.widget.extend({}, this.options, this._getCreateOptions(), t); this._create(); this.options.disabled && this._setOptionDisabled(this.options.disabled); this._trigger("create", null, this._getCreateEventData()); this._init() }, _getCreateOptions: function () { return {} }, _getCreateEventData: n.noop, _create: n.noop, _init: n.noop, destroy: function () { var t = this; this._destroy(); n.each(this.classesElementLookup, function (n, i) { t._removeClass(i, n) });; this.widget().off(this.eventNamespace).removeAttr("aria-disabled"); }, _destroy: n.noop, widget: function () { return this.element }, option: function (t, i) { var r, u, f, e = t; if (0 === arguments.length) return n.widget.extend({}, this.options); if ("string" == typeof t) if (e = {}, r = t.split("."), t = r.shift(), r.length) { for (u = e[t] = n.widget.extend({}, this.options[t]), f = 0; r.length - 1 > f; f++)u[r[f]] = u[r[f]] || {}, u = u[r[f]]; if (t = r.pop(), 1 === arguments.length) return void 0 === u[t] ? null : u[t]; u[t] = i } else { if (1 === arguments.length) return void 0 === this.options[t] ? null : this.options[t]; e[t] = i } return this._setOptions(e), this }, _setOptions: function (n) { for (var t in n) this._setOption(t, n[t]); return this }, _setOption: function (n, t) { return "classes" === n && this._setOptionClasses(t), this.options[n] = t, "disabled" === n && this._setOptionDisabled(t), this }, _setOptionClasses: function (t) { var i, u, r; for (i in t) r = this.classesElementLookup[i], t[i] !== this.options.classes[i] && r && r.length && (u = n(r.get()), this._removeClass(r, i), u.addClass(this._classes({ element: u, keys: i, classes: t, add: !0 }))) }, _setOptionDisabled: function (n) { this._toggleClass(this.widget(), this.widgetFullName + "-disabled", null, !!n); n && (this._removeClass(this.hoverable, null, "ui-state-hover"), this._removeClass(this.focusable, null, "ui-state-focus")) }, enable: function () { return this._setOptions({ disabled: !1 }) }, disable: function () { return this._setOptions({ disabled: !0 }) }, _classes: function (t) { function r(r, f) { for (var o, e = 0; r.length > e; e++)o = u.classesElementLookup[r[e]] || n(), o = t.add ? n(n.unique(o.get().concat(t.element.get()))) : n(o.not(t.element).get()), u.classesElementLookup[r[e]] = o, i.push(r[e]), f && t.classes[r[e]] && i.push(t.classes[r[e]]) } var i = [], u = this; return t = n.extend({ element: this.element, classes: this.options.classes || {} }, t), this._on(t.element, { remove: "_untrackClassesElement" }), t.keys && r(t.keys.match(/\S+/g) || [], !0), t.extra && r(t.extra.match(/\S+/g) || []), i.join(" ") }, _untrackClassesElement: function (t) { var i = this; n.each(i.classesElementLookup, function (r, u) { -1 !== n.inArray(, u) && (i.classesElementLookup[r] = n(u.not( }) }, _removeClass: function (n, t, i) { return this._toggleClass(n, t, i, !1) }, _addClass: function (n, t, i) { return this._toggleClass(n, t, i, !0) }, _toggleClass: function (n, t, i, r) { r = "boolean" == typeof r ? r : i; var u = "string" == typeof n || null === n, f = { extra: u ? t : i, keys: u ? n : t, element: u ? this.element : n, add: r }; return f.element.toggleClass(this._classes(f), r), this }, _on: function (t, i, r) { var f, u = this; "boolean" != typeof t && (r = i, i = t, t = !1); r ? (i = f = n(i), this.bindings = this.bindings.add(i)) : (r = i, i = this.element, f = this.widget()); n.each(r, function (r, e) { function o() { if (t || u.options.disabled !== !0 && !n(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) return ("string" == typeof e ? u[e] : e).apply(u, arguments) } "string" != typeof e && (o.guid = e.guid = e.guid || o.guid || n.guid++); var s = r.match(/^([\w:-]*)\s*(.*)$/), h = s[1] + u.eventNamespace, c = s[2]; c ? f.on(h, c, o) : i.on(h, o) }) }, _off: function (t, i) { i = (i || "").split(" ").join(this.eventNamespace + " ") + this.eventNamespace;; this.bindings = n(this.bindings.not(t).get()); this.focusable = n(this.focusable.not(t).get()); this.hoverable = n(this.hoverable.not(t).get()) }, _delay: function (n, t) { function r() { return ("string" == typeof n ? i[n] : n).apply(i, arguments) } var i = this; return setTimeout(r, t || 0) }, _hoverable: function (t) { this.hoverable = this.hoverable.add(t); this._on(t, { mouseenter: function (t) { this._addClass(n(t.currentTarget), null, "ui-state-hover") }, mouseleave: function (t) { this._removeClass(n(t.currentTarget), null, "ui-state-hover") } }) }, _focusable: function (t) { this.focusable = this.focusable.add(t); this._on(t, { focusin: function (t) { this._addClass(n(t.currentTarget), null, "ui-state-focus") }, focusout: function (t) { this._removeClass(n(t.currentTarget), null, "ui-state-focus") } }) }, _trigger: function (t, i, r) { var u, f, e = this.options[t]; if (r = r || {}, i = n.Event(i), i.type = (t === this.widgetEventPrefix ? t : this.widgetEventPrefix + t).toLowerCase(), = this.element[0], f = i.originalEvent) for (u in f) u in i || (i[u] = f[u]); return this.element.trigger(i, r), !(n.isFunction(e) && e.apply(this.element[0], [i].concat(r)) === !1 || i.isDefaultPrevented()) } }; n.each({ show: "fadeIn", hide: "fadeOut" }, function (t, i) { n.Widget.prototype["_" + t] = function (r, u, f) { "string" == typeof u && (u = { effect: u }); var o, e = u ? u === !0 || "number" == typeof u ? i : u.effect || i : t; u = u || {}; "number" == typeof u && (u = { duration: u }); o = !n.isEmptyObject(u); u.complete = f; u.delay && r.delay(u.delay); o && n.effects && n.effects.effect[e] ? r[t](u) : e !== t && r[e] ? r[e](u.duration, u.easing, f) : r.queue(function (i) { n(this)[t](); f &&[0]); i() }) } }); n.widget, function () { function f(n, t, i) { return [parseFloat(n[0]) * (c.test(n[0]) ? t / 100 : 1), parseFloat(n[1]) * (c.test(n[1]) ? i / 100 : 1)] } function i(t, i) { return parseInt(n.css(t, i), 10) || 0 } function l(t) { var i = t[0]; return 9 === i.nodeType ? { width: t.width(), height: t.height(), offset: { top: 0, left: 0 } } : n.isWindow(i) ? { width: t.width(), height: t.height(), offset: { top: t.scrollTop(), left: t.scrollLeft() } } : i.preventDefault ? { width: 0, height: 0, offset: { top: i.pageY, left: i.pageX } } : { width: t.outerWidth(), height: t.outerHeight(), offset: t.offset() } } var u, r = Math.max, t = Math.abs, e = /left|center|right/, o = /top|center|bottom/, s = /[\+\-]\d+(\.[\d]+)?%?/, h = /^\w+/, c = /%$/, a = n.fn.position; n.position = { scrollbarWidth: function () { if (void 0 !== u) return u; var r, i, t = n("
<\/div><\/div>"), f = t.children()[0]; return n("body").append(t), r = f.offsetWidth, t.css("overflow", "scroll"), i = f.offsetWidth, r === i && (i = t[0].clientWidth), t.remove(), u = r - i }, getScrollInfo: function (t) { var i = t.isWindow || t.isDocument ? "" : t.element.css("overflow-x"), r = t.isWindow || t.isDocument ? "" : t.element.css("overflow-y"), u = "scroll" === i || "auto" === i && t.width < t.element[0].scrollWidth, f = "scroll" === r || "auto" === r && t.height < t.element[0].scrollHeight; return { width: f ? n.position.scrollbarWidth() : 0, height: u ? n.position.scrollbarWidth() : 0 } }, getWithinInfo: function (t) { var i = n(t || window), r = n.isWindow(i[0]), u = !!i[0] && 9 === i[0].nodeType, f = !r && !u; return { element: i, isWindow: r, isDocument: u, offset: f ? n(t).offset() : { left: 0, top: 0 }, scrollLeft: i.scrollLeft(), scrollTop: i.scrollTop(), width: i.outerWidth(), height: i.outerHeight() } } }; n.fn.position = function (u) { if (!u || !u.of) return a.apply(this, arguments); u = n.extend({}, u); var w, c, v, p, y, k, d = n(u.of), nt = n.position.getWithinInfo(u.within), tt = n.position.getScrollInfo(nt), b = (u.collision || "flip").split(" "), g = {}; return k = l(d), d[0].preventDefault && ( = "left top"), c = k.width, v = k.height, p = k.offset, y = n.extend({}, p), n.each(["my", "at"], function () { var t, i, n = (u[this] || "").split(" "); 1 === n.length && (n = e.test(n[0]) ? n.concat(["center"]) : o.test(n[0]) ? ["center"].concat(n) : ["center", "center"]); n[0] = e.test(n[0]) ? n[0] : "center"; n[1] = o.test(n[1]) ? n[1] : "center"; t = s.exec(n[0]); i = s.exec(n[1]); g[this] = [t ? t[0] : 0, i ? i[0] : 0]; u[this] = [h.exec(n[0])[0], h.exec(n[1])[0]] }), 1 === b.length && (b[1] = b[0]), "right" ===[0] ? y.left += c : "center" ===[0] && (y.left += c / 2), "bottom" ===[1] ? += v : "center" ===[1] && ( += v / 2), w = f(, c, v), y.left += w[0], += w[1], this.each(function () { var a, k, o = n(this), s = o.outerWidth(), h = o.outerHeight(), it = i(this, "marginLeft"), rt = i(this, "marginTop"), ut = s + it + i(this, "marginRight") + tt.width, ft = h + rt + i(this, "marginBottom") + tt.height, e = n.extend({}, y), l = f(, o.outerWidth(), o.outerHeight()); "right" ===[0] ? e.left -= s : "center" ===[0] && (e.left -= s / 2); "bottom" ===[1] ? -= h : "center" ===[1] && ( -= h / 2); e.left += l[0]; += l[1]; a = { marginLeft: it, marginTop: rt }; n.each(["left", "top"], function (t, i) { n.ui.position[b[t]] && n.ui.position[b[t]][i](e, { targetWidth: c, targetHeight: v, elemWidth: s, elemHeight: h, collisionPosition: a, collisionWidth: ut, collisionHeight: ft, offset: [w[0] + l[0], w[1] + l[1]], my:, at:, within: nt, elem: o }) }); u.using && (k = function (n) { var i = p.left - e.left, a = i + c - s, f = -, y = f + v - h, l = { target: { element: d, left: p.left, top:, width: c, height: v }, element: { element: o, left: e.left, top:, width: s, height: h }, horizontal: 0 > a ? "left" : i > 0 ? "right" : "center", vertical: 0 > y ? "top" : f > 0 ? "bottom" : "middle" }; s > c && c > t(i + a) && (l.horizontal = "center"); h > v && v > t(f + y) && (l.vertical = "middle"); l.important = r(t(i), t(a)) > r(t(f), t(y)) ? "horizontal" : "vertical";, n, l) }); o.offset(n.extend(e, { using: k })) }) }; n.ui.position = { fit: { left: function (n, t) { var h, e = t.within, u = e.isWindow ? e.scrollLeft : e.offset.left, o = e.width, s = n.left - t.collisionPosition.marginLeft, i = u - s, f = s + t.collisionWidth - o - u; t.collisionWidth > o ? i > 0 && 0 >= f ? (h = n.left + i + t.collisionWidth - o - u, n.left += i - h) : n.left = f > 0 && 0 >= i ? u : i > f ? u + o - t.collisionWidth : u : i > 0 ? n.left += i : f > 0 ? n.left -= f : n.left = r(n.left - s, n.left) }, top: function (n, t) { var h, o = t.within, u = o.isWindow ? o.scrollTop :, e = t.within.height, s = - t.collisionPosition.marginTop, i = u - s, f = s + t.collisionHeight - e - u; t.collisionHeight > e ? i > 0 && 0 >= f ? (h = + i + t.collisionHeight - e - u, += i - h) : = f > 0 && 0 >= i ? u : i > f ? u + e - t.collisionHeight : u : i > 0 ? += i : f > 0 ? -= f : = r( - s, } }, flip: { left: function (n, i) { var o, s, r = i.within, y = r.offset.left + r.scrollLeft, c = r.width, h = r.isWindow ? r.scrollLeft : r.offset.left, l = n.left - i.collisionPosition.marginLeft, a = l - h, v = l + i.collisionWidth - c - h, u = "left" ===[0] ? -i.elemWidth : "right" ===[0] ? i.elemWidth : 0, f = "left" ===[0] ? i.targetWidth : "right" ===[0] ? -i.targetWidth : 0, e = -2 * i.offset[0]; 0 > a ? (o = n.left + u + f + e + i.collisionWidth - c - y, (0 > o || t(a) > o) && (n.left += u + f + e)) : v > 0 && (s = n.left - i.collisionPosition.marginLeft + u + f + e - h, (s > 0 || v > t(s)) && (n.left += u + f + e)) }, top: function (n, i) { var o, s, r = i.within, y = + r.scrollTop, c = r.height, h = r.isWindow ? r.scrollTop :, l = - i.collisionPosition.marginTop, a = l - h, v = l + i.collisionHeight - c - h, p = "top" ===[1], u = p ? -i.elemHeight : "bottom" ===[1] ? i.elemHeight : 0, f = "top" ===[1] ? i.targetHeight : "bottom" ===[1] ? -i.targetHeight : 0, e = -2 * i.offset[1]; 0 > a ? (s = + u + f + e + i.collisionHeight - c - y, (0 > s || t(a) > s) && ( += u + f + e)) : v > 0 && (o = - i.collisionPosition.marginTop + u + f + e - h, (o > 0 || v > t(o)) && ( += u + f + e)) } }, flipfit: { left: function () { n.ui.position.flip.left.apply(this, arguments);, arguments) }, top: function () {, arguments);, arguments) } } } }(); n.ui.position; n.extend(n.expr[":"], { data: n.expr.createPseudo ? n.expr.createPseudo(function (t) { return function (i) { return !!, t) } }) : function (t, i, r) { return !!, r[3]) } }); n.fn.extend({ disableSelection: function () { var n = "onselectstart" in document.createElement("div") ? "selectstart" : "mousedown"; return function () { return this.on(n + ".ui-disableSelection", function (n) { n.preventDefault() }) } }(), enableSelection: function () { return".ui-disableSelection") } }); n.ui.focusable = function (t, i) { var u, f, e, r, o, s = t.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return "area" === s ? (u = t.parentNode, f =, t.href && f && "map" === u.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? (e = n("img[usemap='#" + f + "']"), e.length > 0 &&":visible")) : !1) : (/^(input|select|textarea|button|object)$/.test(s) ? (r = !t.disabled, r && (o = n(t).closest("fieldset")[0], o && (r = !o.disabled))) : r = "a" === s ? t.href || i : i, r && n(t).is(":visible") && b(n(t))) }; n.extend(n.expr[":"], { focusable: function (t) { return n.ui.focusable(t, null != n.attr(t, "tabindex")) } }); n.ui.focusable; n.fn.form = function () { return "string" == typeof this[0].form ? this.closest("form") : n(this[0].form) }; n.ui.formResetMixin = { _formResetHandler: function () { var t = n(this); setTimeout(function () { var i ="ui-form-reset-instances"); n.each(i, function () { this.refresh() }) }) }, _bindFormResetHandler: function () { if (this.form = this.element.form(), this.form.length) { var n ="ui-form-reset-instances") || []; n.length || this.form.on("reset.ui-form-reset", this._formResetHandler); n.push(this);"ui-form-reset-instances", n) } }, _unbindFormResetHandler: function () { if (this.form.length) { var t ="ui-form-reset-instances"); t.splice(n.inArray(this, t), 1); t.length ?"ui-form-reset-instances", t) : this.form.removeData("ui-form-reset-instances").off("reset.ui-form-reset") } } }; "1.7" === n.fn.jquery.substring(0, 3) && (n.each(["Width", "Height"], function (t, i) { function r(t, i, r, u) { return n.each(e, function () { i -= parseFloat(n.css(t, "padding" + this)) || 0; r && (i -= parseFloat(n.css(t, "border" + this + "Width")) || 0); u && (i -= parseFloat(n.css(t, "margin" + this)) || 0) }), i } var e = "Width" === i ? ["Left", "Right"] : ["Top", "Bottom"], u = i.toLowerCase(), f = { innerWidth: n.fn.innerWidth, innerHeight: n.fn.innerHeight, outerWidth: n.fn.outerWidth, outerHeight: n.fn.outerHeight }; n.fn["inner" + i] = function (t) { return void 0 === t ? f["inner" + i].call(this) : this.each(function () { n(this).css(u, r(this, t) + "px") }) }; n.fn["outer" + i] = function (t, e) { return "number" != typeof t ? f["outer" + i].call(this, t) : this.each(function () { n(this).css(u, r(this, t, !0, e) + "px") }) } }), n.fn.addBack = function (n) { return this.add(null == n ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(n)) }); n.ui.keyCode = { BACKSPACE: 8, COMMA: 188, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, END: 35, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGE_UP: 33, PERIOD: 190, RIGHT: 39, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38 }; n.ui.escapeSelector = function () { var n = /([!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~])/g; return function (t) { return t.replace(n, "\\$1") } }(); n.fn.labels = function () { var t, r, u, i, f; return this[0].labels && this[0].labels.length ? this.pushStack(this[0].labels) : (i = this.eq(0).parents("label"), u = this.attr("id"), u && (t = this.eq(0).parents().last(), f = t.add(t.length ? t.siblings() : this.siblings()), r = "label[for='" + n.ui.escapeSelector(u) + "']", i = i.add(f.find(r).addBack(r))), this.pushStack(i)) }; n.fn.scrollParent = function (t) { var i = this.css("position"), u = "absolute" === i, f = t ? /(auto|scroll|hidden)/ : /(auto|scroll)/, r = this.parents().filter(function () { var t = n(this); return u && "static" === t.css("position") ? !1 : f.test(t.css("overflow") + t.css("overflow-y") + t.css("overflow-x")) }).eq(0); return "fixed" !== i && r.length ? r : n(this[0].ownerDocument || document) }; n.extend(n.expr[":"], { tabbable: function (t) { var i = n.attr(t, "tabindex"), r = null != i; return (!r || i >= 0) && n.ui.focusable(t, r) } }); n.fn.extend({ uniqueId: function () { var n = 0; return function () { return this.each(function () { || ( = "ui-id-" + ++n) }) } }(), removeUniqueId: function () { return this.each(function () { /^ui-id-\d+$/.test( && n(this).removeAttr("id") }) } }); = !!/msie [\w.]+/.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); r = !1; n(document).on("mouseup", function () { r = !1 }); n.widget("ui.mouse", { version: "1.12.1", options: { cancel: "input, textarea, button, select, option", distance: 1, delay: 0 }, _mouseInit: function () { var t = this; this.element.on("mousedown." + this.widgetName, function (n) { return t._mouseDown(n) }).on("click." + this.widgetName, function (i) { if (!0 ===, t.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent")) return (n.removeData(, t.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent"), i.stopImmediatePropagation(), !1) }); this.started = !1 }, _mouseDestroy: function () {"." + this.widgetName); this._mouseMoveDelegate &&"mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate).off("mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate) }, _mouseDown: function (t) { if (!r) { this._mouseMoved = !1; this._mouseStarted && this._mouseUp(t); this._mouseDownEvent = t; var i = this, u = 1 === t.which, f = "string" == typeof this.options.cancel && ? n( : !1; return u && !f && this._mouseCapture(t) ? (this.mouseDelayMet = !this.options.delay, this.mouseDelayMet || (this._mouseDelayTimer = setTimeout(function () { i.mouseDelayMet = !0 }, this.options.delay)), this._mouseDistanceMet(t) && this._mouseDelayMet(t) && (this._mouseStarted = this._mouseStart(t) !== !1, !this._mouseStarted) ? (t.preventDefault(), !0) : (!0 ===, this.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent") && n.removeData(, this.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent"), this._mouseMoveDelegate = function (n) { return i._mouseMove(n) }, this._mouseUpDelegate = function (n) { return i._mouseUp(n) }, this.document.on("mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate).on("mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate), t.preventDefault(), r = !0, !0)) : !0 } }, _mouseMove: function (t) { if (this._mouseMoved) { if ( && (!document.documentMode || 9 > document.documentMode) && !t.button) return this._mouseUp(t); if (!t.which) if (t.originalEvent.altKey || t.originalEvent.ctrlKey || t.originalEvent.metaKey || t.originalEvent.shiftKey) this.ignoreMissingWhich = !0; else if (!this.ignoreMissingWhich) return this._mouseUp(t) } return (t.which || t.button) && (this._mouseMoved = !0), this._mouseStarted ? (this._mouseDrag(t), t.preventDefault()) : (this._mouseDistanceMet(t) && this._mouseDelayMet(t) && (this._mouseStarted = this._mouseStart(this._mouseDownEvent, t) !== !1, this._mouseStarted ? this._mouseDrag(t) : this._mouseUp(t)), !this._mouseStarted) }, _mouseUp: function (t) {"mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate).off("mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate); this._mouseStarted && (this._mouseStarted = !1, === &&, this.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent", !0), this._mouseStop(t)); this._mouseDelayTimer && (clearTimeout(this._mouseDelayTimer), delete this._mouseDelayTimer); this.ignoreMissingWhich = !1; r = !1; t.preventDefault() }, _mouseDistanceMet: function (n) { return Math.max(Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageX - n.pageX), Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageY - n.pageY)) >= this.options.distance }, _mouseDelayMet: function () { return this.mouseDelayMet }, _mouseStart: function () { }, _mouseDrag: function () { }, _mouseStop: function () { }, _mouseCapture: function () { return !0 } }); n.ui.plugin = { add: function (t, i, r) { var u, f = n.ui[t].prototype; for (u in r) f.plugins[u] = f.plugins[u] || [], f.plugins[u].push([i, r[u]]) }, call: function (n, t, i, r) { var u, f = n.plugins[t]; if (f && (r || n.element[0].parentNode && 11 !== n.element[0].parentNode.nodeType)) for (u = 0; f.length > u; u++)n.options[f[u][0]] && f[u][1].apply(n.element, i) } }; n.ui.safeActiveElement = function (n) { var t; try { t = n.activeElement } catch (i) { t = n.body } return t || (t = n.body), t.nodeName || (t = n.body), t }; n.ui.safeBlur = function (t) { t && "body" !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase() && n(t).trigger("blur") }; n.widget("ui.draggable", n.ui.mouse, { version: "1.12.1", widgetEventPrefix: "drag", options: { addClasses: !0, appendTo: "parent", axis: !1, connectToSortable: !1, containment: !1, cursor: "auto", cursorAt: !1, grid: !1, handle: !1, helper: "original", iframeFix: !1, opacity: !1, refreshPositions: !1, revert: !1, revertDuration: 500, scope: "default", scroll: !0, scrollSensitivity: 20, scrollSpeed: 20, snap: !1, snapMode: "both", snapTolerance: 20, stack: !1, zIndex: !1, drag: null, start: null, stop: null }, _create: function () { "original" === this.options.helper && this._setPositionRelative(); this.options.addClasses && this._addClass("ui-draggable"); this._setHandleClassName(); this._mouseInit() }, _setOption: function (n, t) { this._super(n, t); "handle" === n && (this._removeHandleClassName(), this._setHandleClassName()) }, _destroy: function () { return (this.helper || this.element).is(".ui-draggable-dragging") ? (this.destroyOnClear = !0, void 0) : (this._removeHandleClassName(), this._mouseDestroy(), void 0) }, _mouseCapture: function (t) { var i = this.options; return this.helper || i.disabled || n(".ui-resizable-handle").length > 0 ? !1 : (this.handle = this._getHandle(t), this.handle ? (this._blurActiveElement(t), this._blockFrames(i.iframeFix === !0 ? "iframe" : i.iframeFix), !0) : !1) }, _blockFrames: function (t) { this.iframeBlocks = this.document.find(t).map(function () { var t = n(this); return n("
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(this._clear(), !1) : (this._cacheHelperProportions(), n.ui.ddmanager && !i.dropBehaviour && n.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(this, t), this._mouseDrag(t, !0), n.ui.ddmanager && n.ui.ddmanager.dragStart(this, t), !0) }, _refreshOffsets: function (n) { this.offset = { top: -, left: this.positionAbs.left - this.margins.left, scroll: !1, parent: this._getParentOffset(), relative: this._getRelativeOffset() }; = { left: n.pageX - this.offset.left, top: n.pageY - } }, _mouseDrag: function (t, i) { if (this.hasFixedAncestor && (this.offset.parent = this._getParentOffset()), this.position = this._generatePosition(t, !0), this.positionAbs = this._convertPositionTo("absolute"), !i) { var r = this._uiHash(); if (this._trigger("drag", t, r) === !1) return this._mouseUp(new n.Event("mouseup", t)), !1; this.position = r.position } return this.helper[0].style.left = this.position.left + "px", this.helper[0] = + "px", n.ui.ddmanager && n.ui.ddmanager.drag(this, t), !1 }, _mouseStop: function (t) { var r = this, i = !1; return n.ui.ddmanager && !this.options.dropBehaviour && (i = n.ui.ddmanager.drop(this, t)), this.dropped && (i = this.dropped, this.dropped = !1), "invalid" === this.options.revert && !i || "valid" === this.options.revert && i || this.options.revert === !0 || n.isFunction(this.options.revert) &&, i) ? n(this.helper).animate(this.originalPosition, parseInt(this.options.revertDuration, 10), function () { r._trigger("stop", t) !== !1 && r._clear() }) : this._trigger("stop", t) !== !1 && this._clear(), !1 }, _mouseUp: function (t) { return this._unblockFrames(), n.ui.ddmanager && n.ui.ddmanager.dragStop(this, t), && this.element.trigger("focus"),, t) }, cancel: function () { return".ui-draggable-dragging") ? this._mouseUp(new n.Event("mouseup", { target: this.element[0] })) : this._clear(), this }, _getHandle: function (t) { return this.options.handle ? !!n( : !0 }, _setHandleClassName: function () { this.handleElement = this.options.handle ? this.element.find(this.options.handle) : this.element; this._addClass(this.handleElement, "ui-draggable-handle") }, _removeHandleClassName: function () { this._removeClass(this.handleElement, "ui-draggable-handle") }, _createHelper: function (t) { var r = this.options, u = n.isFunction(r.helper), i = u ? n(r.helper.apply(this.element[0], [t])) : "clone" === r.helper ? this.element.clone().removeAttr("id") : this.element; return i.parents("body").length || i.appendTo("parent" === r.appendTo ? this.element[0].parentNode : r.appendTo), u && i[0] === this.element[0] && this._setPositionRelative(), i[0] === this.element[0] || /(fixed|absolute)/.test(i.css("position")) || i.css("position", "absolute"), i }, _setPositionRelative: function () { /^(?:r|a|f)/.test(this.element.css("position")) || (this.element[0].style.position = "relative") }, _adjustOffsetFromHelper: function (t) { "string" == typeof t && (t = t.split(" ")); n.isArray(t) && (t = { left: +t[0], top: +t[1] || 0 }); "left" in t && ( = t.left + this.margins.left); "right" in t && ( = this.helperProportions.width - t.right + this.margins.left); "top" in t && ( = +; "bottom" in t && ( = this.helperProportions.height - t.bottom + }, _isRootNode: function (n) { return /(html|body)/i.test(n.tagName) || n === this.document[0] }, _getParentOffset: function () { var t = this.offsetParent.offset(), i = this.document[0]; return "absolute" === this.cssPosition && this.scrollParent[0] !== i && n.contains(this.scrollParent[0], this.offsetParent[0]) && (t.left += this.scrollParent.scrollLeft(), += this.scrollParent.scrollTop()), this._isRootNode(this.offsetParent[0]) && (t = { top: 0, left: 0 }), { top: + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0), left: t.left + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0) } }, _getRelativeOffset: function () { if ("relative" !== this.cssPosition) return { top: 0, left: 0 }; var n = this.element.position(), t = this._isRootNode(this.scrollParent[0]); return { top: - (parseInt(this.helper.css("top"), 10) || 0) + (t ? 0 : this.scrollParent.scrollTop()), left: n.left - (parseInt(this.helper.css("left"), 10) || 0) + (t ? 0 : this.scrollParent.scrollLeft()) } }, _cacheMargins: function () { this.margins = { left: parseInt(this.element.css("marginLeft"), 10) || 0, top: parseInt(this.element.css("marginTop"), 10) || 0, right: parseInt(this.element.css("marginRight"), 10) || 0, bottom: parseInt(this.element.css("marginBottom"), 10) || 0 } }, _cacheHelperProportions: function () { this.helperProportions = { width: this.helper.outerWidth(), height: this.helper.outerHeight() } }, _setContainment: function () { var f, t, i, r = this.options, u = this.document[0]; return this.relativeContainer = null, r.containment ? "window" === r.containment ? (this.containment = [n(window).scrollLeft() - this.offset.relative.left - this.offset.parent.left, n(window).scrollTop() - -, n(window).scrollLeft() + n(window).width() - this.helperProportions.width - this.margins.left, n(window).scrollTop() + (n(window).height() || u.body.parentNode.scrollHeight) - this.helperProportions.height -], void 0) : "document" === r.containment ? (this.containment = [0, 0, n(u).width() - this.helperProportions.width - this.margins.left, (n(u).height() || u.body.parentNode.scrollHeight) - this.helperProportions.height -], void 0) : r.containment.constructor === Array ? (this.containment = r.containment, void 0) : ("parent" === r.containment && (r.containment = this.helper[0].parentNode), t = n(r.containment), i = t[0], i && (f = /(scroll|auto)/.test(t.css("overflow")), this.containment = [(parseInt(t.css("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(t.css("paddingLeft"), 10) || 0), (parseInt(t.css("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(t.css("paddingTop"), 10) || 0), (f ? Math.max(i.scrollWidth, i.offsetWidth) : i.offsetWidth) - (parseInt(t.css("borderRightWidth"), 10) || 0) - (parseInt(t.css("paddingRight"), 10) || 0) - this.helperProportions.width - this.margins.left - this.margins.right, (f ? Math.max(i.scrollHeight, i.offsetHeight) : i.offsetHeight) - (parseInt(t.css("borderBottomWidth"), 10) || 0) - (parseInt(t.css("paddingBottom"), 10) || 0) - this.helperProportions.height - - this.margins.bottom], this.relativeContainer = t), void 0) : (this.containment = null, void 0) }, _convertPositionTo: function (n, t) { t || (t = this.position); var i = "absolute" === n ? 1 : -1, r = this._isRootNode(this.scrollParent[0]); return { top: + * i + * i - ("fixed" === this.cssPosition ? : r ? 0 : * i, left: t.left + this.offset.relative.left * i + this.offset.parent.left * i - ("fixed" === this.cssPosition ? -this.offset.scroll.left : r ? 0 : this.offset.scroll.left) * i } }, _generatePosition: function (n, t) { var i, s, u, f, r = this.options, h = this._isRootNode(this.scrollParent[0]), e = n.pageX, o = n.pageY; return h && this.offset.scroll || (this.offset.scroll = { top: this.scrollParent.scrollTop(), left: this.scrollParent.scrollLeft() }), t && (this.containment && (this.relativeContainer ? (s = this.relativeContainer.offset(), i = [this.containment[0] + s.left, this.containment[1] +, this.containment[2] + s.left, this.containment[3] +]) : i = this.containment, n.pageX - < i[0] && (e = i[0] +, n.pageY - < i[1] && (o = i[1] +, n.pageX - > i[2] && (e = i[2] +, n.pageY - > i[3] && (o = i[3] +, r.grid && (u = r.grid[1] ? this.originalPageY + Math.round((o - this.originalPageY) / r.grid[1]) * r.grid[1] : this.originalPageY, o = i ? u - >= i[1] || u - > i[3] ? u : u - >= i[1] ? u - r.grid[1] : u + r.grid[1] : u, f = r.grid[0] ? this.originalPageX + Math.round((e - this.originalPageX) / r.grid[0]) * r.grid[0] : this.originalPageX, e = i ? f - >= i[0] || f - > i[2] ? f : f - >= i[0] ? f - r.grid[0] : f + r.grid[0] : f), "y" === r.axis && (e = this.originalPageX), "x" === r.axis && (o = this.originalPageY)), { top: o - - - + ("fixed" === this.cssPosition ? : h ? 0 :, left: e - - this.offset.relative.left - this.offset.parent.left + ("fixed" === this.cssPosition ? -this.offset.scroll.left : h ? 0 : this.offset.scroll.left) } }, _clear: function () { this._removeClass(this.helper, "ui-draggable-dragging"); this.helper[0] === this.element[0] || this.cancelHelperRemoval || this.helper.remove(); this.helper = null; this.cancelHelperRemoval = !1; this.destroyOnClear && this.destroy() }, _trigger: function (t, i, r) { return r = r || this._uiHash(),, t, [i, r, this], !0), /^(drag|start|stop)/.test(t) && (this.positionAbs = this._convertPositionTo("absolute"), r.offset = this.positionAbs),, t, i, r) }, plugins: {}, _uiHash: function () { return { helper: this.helper, position: this.position, originalPosition: this.originalPosition, offset: this.positionAbs } } }); n.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "connectToSortable", { start: function (t, i, r) { var u = n.extend({}, i, { item: r.element }); r.sortables = []; n(r.options.connectToSortable).each(function () { var i = n(this).sortable("instance"); i && !i.options.disabled && (r.sortables.push(i), i.refreshPositions(), i._trigger("activate", t, u)) }) }, stop: function (t, i, r) { var u = n.extend({}, i, { item: r.element }); r.cancelHelperRemoval = !1; n.each(r.sortables, function () { var n = this; n.isOver ? (n.isOver = 0, r.cancelHelperRemoval = !0, n.cancelHelperRemoval = !1, n._storedCSS = { position: n.placeholder.css("position"), top: n.placeholder.css("top"), left: n.placeholder.css("left") }, n._mouseStop(t), n.options.helper = n.options._helper) : (n.cancelHelperRemoval = !0, n._trigger("deactivate", t, u)) }) }, drag: function (t, i, r) { n.each(r.sortables, function () { var f = !1, u = this; u.positionAbs = r.positionAbs; u.helperProportions = r.helperProportions; =; u._intersectsWith(u.containerCache) && (f = !0, n.each(r.sortables, function () { return this.positionAbs = r.positionAbs, this.helperProportions = r.helperProportions, =, this !== u && this._intersectsWith(this.containerCache) && n.contains(u.element[0], this.element[0]) && (f = !1), f })); f ? (u.isOver || (u.isOver = 1, r._parent = i.helper.parent(), u.currentItem = i.helper.appendTo(u.element).data("ui-sortable-item", !0), u.options._helper = u.options.helper, u.options.helper = function () { return i.helper[0] }, = u.currentItem[0], u._mouseCapture(t, !0), u._mouseStart(t, !0, !0), =, =, u.offset.parent.left -= r.offset.parent.left - u.offset.parent.left, -= -, r._trigger("toSortable", t), r.dropped = u.element, n.each(r.sortables, function () { this.refreshPositions() }), r.currentItem = r.element, u.fromOutside = r), u.currentItem && (u._mouseDrag(t), i.position = u.position)) : u.isOver && (u.isOver = 0, u.cancelHelperRemoval = !0, u.options._revert = u.options.revert, u.options.revert = !1, u._trigger("out", t, u._uiHash(u)), u._mouseStop(t, !0), u.options.revert = u.options._revert, u.options.helper = u.options._helper, u.placeholder && u.placeholder.remove(), i.helper.appendTo(r._parent), r._refreshOffsets(t), i.position = r._generatePosition(t, !0), r._trigger("fromSortable", t), r.dropped = !1, n.each(r.sortables, function () { this.refreshPositions() })) }) } }); n.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "cursor", { start: function (t, i, r) { var u = n("body"), f = r.options; u.css("cursor") && (f._cursor = u.css("cursor")); u.css("cursor", f.cursor) }, stop: function (t, i, r) { var u = r.options; u._cursor && n("body").css("cursor", u._cursor) } }); n.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "opacity", { start: function (t, i, r) { var u = n(i.helper), f = r.options; u.css("opacity") && (f._opacity = u.css("opacity")); u.css("opacity", f.opacity) }, stop: function (t, i, r) { var u = r.options; u._opacity && n(i.helper).css("opacity", u._opacity) } }); n.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "scroll", { start: function (n, t, i) { i.scrollParentNotHidden || (i.scrollParentNotHidden = i.helper.scrollParent(!1)); i.scrollParentNotHidden[0] !== i.document[0] && "HTML" !== i.scrollParentNotHidden[0].tagName && (i.overflowOffset = i.scrollParentNotHidden.offset()) }, drag: function (t, i, r) { var u = r.options, o = !1, e = r.scrollParentNotHidden[0], f = r.document[0]; e !== f && "HTML" !== e.tagName ? (u.axis && "x" === u.axis || ( + e.offsetHeight - t.pageY < u.scrollSensitivity ? e.scrollTop = o = e.scrollTop + u.scrollSpeed : t.pageY - < u.scrollSensitivity && (e.scrollTop = o = e.scrollTop - u.scrollSpeed)), u.axis && "y" === u.axis || (r.overflowOffset.left + e.offsetWidth - t.pageX < u.scrollSensitivity ? e.scrollLeft = o = e.scrollLeft + u.scrollSpeed : t.pageX - r.overflowOffset.left < u.scrollSensitivity && (e.scrollLeft = o = e.scrollLeft - u.scrollSpeed))) : (u.axis && "x" === u.axis || (t.pageY - n(f).scrollTop() < u.scrollSensitivity ? o = n(f).scrollTop(n(f).scrollTop() - u.scrollSpeed) : n(window).height() - (t.pageY - n(f).scrollTop()) < u.scrollSensitivity && (o = n(f).scrollTop(n(f).scrollTop() + u.scrollSpeed))), u.axis && "y" === u.axis || (t.pageX - n(f).scrollLeft() < u.scrollSensitivity ? o = n(f).scrollLeft(n(f).scrollLeft() - u.scrollSpeed) : n(window).width() - (t.pageX - n(f).scrollLeft()) < u.scrollSensitivity && (o = n(f).scrollLeft(n(f).scrollLeft() + u.scrollSpeed)))); o !== !1 && n.ui.ddmanager && !u.dropBehaviour && n.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(r, t) } }); n.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "snap", { start: function (t, i, r) { var u = r.options; r.snapElements = []; n(u.snap.constructor !== String ? u.snap.items || ":data(ui-draggable)" : u.snap).each(function () { var t = n(this), i = t.offset(); this !== r.element[0] && r.snapElements.push({ item: this, width: t.outerWidth(), height: t.outerHeight(), top:, left: i.left }) }) }, drag: function (t, i, r) { for (var e, o, s, h, c, a, l, v, w, b = r.options, f = b.snapTolerance, y = i.offset.left, k = y + r.helperProportions.width, p =, d = p + r.helperProportions.height, u = r.snapElements.length - 1; u >= 0; u--)c = r.snapElements[u].left - r.margins.left, a = c + r.snapElements[u].width, l = r.snapElements[u].top -, v = l + r.snapElements[u].height, c - f > k || y > a + f || l - f > d || p > v + f || !n.contains(r.snapElements[u].item.ownerDocument, r.snapElements[u].item) ? (r.snapElements[u].snapping && r.options.snap.release &&, t, n.extend(r._uiHash(), { snapItem: r.snapElements[u].item })), r.snapElements[u].snapping = !1) : ("inner" !== b.snapMode && (e = f >= Math.abs(l - d), o = f >= Math.abs(v - p), s = f >= Math.abs(c - k), h = f >= Math.abs(a - y), e && ( = r._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: l - r.helperProportions.height, left: 0 }).top), o && ( = r._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: v, left: 0 }).top), s && (i.position.left = r._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: c - r.helperProportions.width }).left), h && (i.position.left = r._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: a }).left)), w = e || o || s || h, "outer" !== b.snapMode && (e = f >= Math.abs(l - p), o = f >= Math.abs(v - d), s = f >= Math.abs(c - y), h = f >= Math.abs(a - k), e && ( = r._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: l, left: 0 }).top), o && ( = r._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: v - r.helperProportions.height, left: 0 }).top), s && (i.position.left = r._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: c }).left), h && (i.position.left = r._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: a - r.helperProportions.width }).left)), !r.snapElements[u].snapping && (e || o || s || h || w) && r.options.snap.snap &&, t, n.extend(r._uiHash(), { snapItem: r.snapElements[u].item })), r.snapElements[u].snapping = e || o || s || h || w) } }); n.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "stack", { start: function (t, i, r) { var f, e = r.options, u = n.makeArray(n(e.stack)).sort(function (t, i) { return (parseInt(n(t).css("zIndex"), 10) || 0) - (parseInt(n(i).css("zIndex"), 10) || 0) }); u.length && (f = parseInt(n(u[0]).css("zIndex"), 10) || 0, n(u).each(function (t) { n(this).css("zIndex", f + t) }), this.css("zIndex", f + u.length)) } }); n.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "zIndex", { start: function (t, i, r) { var u = n(i.helper), f = r.options; u.css("zIndex") && (f._zIndex = u.css("zIndex")); u.css("zIndex", f.zIndex) }, stop: function (t, i, r) { var u = r.options; u._zIndex && n(i.helper).css("zIndex", u._zIndex) } }); n.ui.draggable; n.widget("ui.droppable", { version: "1.12.1", widgetEventPrefix: "drop", options: { accept: "*", addClasses: !0, greedy: !1, scope: "default", tolerance: "intersect", activate: null, deactivate: null, drop: null, out: null, over: null }, _create: function () { var t, i = this.options, r = i.accept; this.isover = !1; this.isout = !0; this.accept = n.isFunction(r) ? r : function (n) { return }; this.proportions = function () { return arguments.length ? (t = arguments[0], void 0) : t ? t : t = { width: this.element[0].offsetWidth, height: this.element[0].offsetHeight } }; this._addToManager(i.scope); i.addClasses && this._addClass("ui-droppable") }, _addToManager: function (t) { n.ui.ddmanager.droppables[t] = n.ui.ddmanager.droppables[t] || []; n.ui.ddmanager.droppables[t].push(this) }, _splice: function (n) { for (var t = 0; n.length > t; t++)n[t] === this && n.splice(t, 1) }, _destroy: function () { var t = n.ui.ddmanager.droppables[this.options.scope]; this._splice(t) }, _setOption: function (t, i) { if ("accept" === t) this.accept = n.isFunction(i) ? i : function (n) { return }; else if ("scope" === t) { var r = n.ui.ddmanager.droppables[this.options.scope]; this._splice(r); this._addToManager(i) } this._super(t, i) }, _activate: function (t) { var i = n.ui.ddmanager.current; this._addActiveClass(); i && this._trigger("activate", t, this.ui(i)) }, _deactivate: function (t) { var i = n.ui.ddmanager.current; this._removeActiveClass(); i && this._trigger("deactivate", t, this.ui(i)) }, _over: function (t) { var i = n.ui.ddmanager.current; i && (i.currentItem || i.element)[0] !== this.element[0] &&[0], i.currentItem || i.element) && (this._addHoverClass(), this._trigger("over", t, this.ui(i))) }, _out: function (t) { var i = n.ui.ddmanager.current; i && (i.currentItem || i.element)[0] !== this.element[0] &&[0], i.currentItem || i.element) && (this._removeHoverClass(), this._trigger("out", t, this.ui(i))) }, _drop: function (t, i) { var r = i || n.ui.ddmanager.current, u = !1; return r && (r.currentItem || r.element)[0] !== this.element[0] ? (this.element.find(":data(ui-droppable)").not(".ui-draggable-dragging").each(function () { var i = n(this).droppable("instance"); if (i.options.greedy && !i.options.disabled && i.options.scope === r.options.scope &&[0], r.currentItem || r.element) && f(r, n.extend(i, { offset: i.element.offset() }), i.options.tolerance, t)) return (u = !0, !1) }), u ? !1 :[0], r.currentItem || r.element) ? (this._removeActiveClass(), this._removeHoverClass(), this._trigger("drop", t, this.ui(r)), this.element) : !1) : !1 }, ui: function (n) { return { draggable: n.currentItem || n.element, helper: n.helper, position: n.position, offset: n.positionAbs } }, _addHoverClass: function () { this._addClass("ui-droppable-hover") }, _removeHoverClass: function () { this._removeClass("ui-droppable-hover") }, _addActiveClass: function () { this._addClass("ui-droppable-active") }, _removeActiveClass: function () { this._removeClass("ui-droppable-active") } }); f = n.ui.intersect = function () { function n(n, t, i) { return n >= t && t + i > n } return function (t, i, r, u) { if (!i.offset) return !1; var o = (t.positionAbs || t.position.absolute).left + t.margins.left, s = (t.positionAbs || t.position.absolute).top +, h = o + t.helperProportions.width, c = s + t.helperProportions.height, f = i.offset.left, e =, l = f + i.proportions().width, a = e + i.proportions().height; switch (r) { case "fit": return o >= f && l >= h && s >= e && a >= c; case "intersect": return o + t.helperProportions.width / 2 > f && l > h - t.helperProportions.width / 2 && s + t.helperProportions.height / 2 > e && a > c - t.helperProportions.height / 2; case "pointer": return n(u.pageY, e, i.proportions().height) && n(u.pageX, f, i.proportions().width); case "touch": return (s >= e && a >= s || c >= e && a >= c || e > s && c > a) && (o >= f && l >= o || h >= f && l >= h || f > o && h > l); default: return !1 } } }(); n.ui.ddmanager = { current: null, droppables: { "default": [] }, prepareOffsets: function (t, i) { var r, f, u = n.ui.ddmanager.droppables[t.options.scope] || [], o = i ? i.type : null, e = (t.currentItem || t.element).find(":data(ui-droppable)").addBack(); n: for (r = 0; u.length > r; r++)if (!(u[r].options.disabled || t && !u[r][r].element[0], t.currentItem || t.element))) { for (f = 0; e.length > f; f++)if (e[f] === u[r].element[0]) { u[r].proportions().height = 0; continue n } u[r].visible = "none" !== u[r].element.css("display"); u[r].visible && ("mousedown" === o && u[r][r], i), u[r].offset = u[r].element.offset(), u[r].proportions({ width: u[r].element[0].offsetWidth, height: u[r].element[0].offsetHeight })) } }, drop: function (t, i) { var r = !1; return n.each((n.ui.ddmanager.droppables[t.options.scope] || []).slice(), function () { this.options && (!this.options.disabled && this.visible && f(t, this, this.options.tolerance, i) && (r =, i) || r), !this.options.disabled && this.visible &&[0], t.currentItem || t.element) && (this.isout = !0, this.isover = !1,, i))) }), r }, dragStart: function (t, i) { t.element.parentsUntil("body").on("scroll.droppable", function () { t.options.refreshPositions || n.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(t, i) }) }, drag: function (t, i) { t.options.refreshPositions && n.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(t, i); n.each(n.ui.ddmanager.droppables[t.options.scope] || [], function () { if (!this.options.disabled && !this.greedyChild && this.visible) { var r, o, e, s = f(t, this, this.options.tolerance, i), u = !s && this.isover ? "isout" : s && !this.isover ? "isover" : null; u && (this.options.greedy && (o = this.options.scope, e = this.element.parents(":data(ui-droppable)").filter(function () { return n(this).droppable("instance").options.scope === o }), e.length && (r = n(e[0]).droppable("instance"), r.greedyChild = "isover" === u)), r && "isover" === u && (r.isover = !1, r.isout = !0,, i)), this[u] = !0, this["isout" === u ? "isover" : "isout"] = !1, this["isover" === u ? "_over" : "_out"].call(this, i), r && "isout" === u && (r.isout = !1, r.isover = !0,, i))) } }) }, dragStop: function (t, i) { t.element.parentsUntil("body").off("scroll.droppable"); t.options.refreshPositions || n.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(t, i) } }; n.uiBackCompat !== !1 && n.widget("ui.droppable", n.ui.droppable, { options: { hoverClass: !1, activeClass: !1 }, _addActiveClass: function () { this._super(); this.options.activeClass && this.element.addClass(this.options.activeClass) }, _removeActiveClass: function () { this._super(); this.options.activeClass && this.element.removeClass(this.options.activeClass) }, _addHoverClass: function () { this._super(); this.options.hoverClass && this.element.addClass(this.options.hoverClass) }, _removeHoverClass: function () { this._super(); this.options.hoverClass && this.element.removeClass(this.options.hoverClass) } }); n.ui.droppable; n.widget("ui.resizable", n.ui.mouse, { version: "1.12.1", widgetEventPrefix: "resize", options: { alsoResize: !1, animate: !1, animateDuration: "slow", animateEasing: "swing", aspectRatio: !1, autoHide: !1, classes: { "ui-resizable-se": "ui-icon ui-icon-gripsmall-diagonal-se" }, containment: !1, ghost: !1, grid: !1, handles: "e,s,se", helper: !1, maxHeight: null, maxWidth: null, minHeight: 10, minWidth: 10, zIndex: 90, resize: null, start: null, stop: null }, _num: function (n) { return parseFloat(n) || 0 }, _isNumber: function (n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) }, _hasScroll: function (t, i) { if ("hidden" === n(t).css("overflow")) return !1; var r = i && "left" === i ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop", u = !1; return t[r] > 0 ? !0 : (t[r] = 1, u = t[r] > 0, t[r] = 0, u) }, _create: function () { var r, t = this.options, i = this; this._addClass("ui-resizable"); n.extend(this, { _aspectRatio: !!t.aspectRatio, aspectRatio: t.aspectRatio, originalElement: this.element, _proportionallyResizeElements: [], _helper: t.helper || t.ghost || t.animate ? t.helper || "ui-resizable-helper" : null }); this.element[0].nodeName.match(/^(canvas|textarea|input|select|button|img)$/i) && (this.element.wrap(n("
<\/div>").css({ position: this.element.css("position"), width: this.element.outerWidth(), height: this.element.outerHeight(), top: this.element.css("top"), left: this.element.css("left") })), this.element = this.element.parent().data("ui-resizable", this.element.resizable("instance")), this.elementIsWrapper = !0, r = { marginTop: this.originalElement.css("marginTop"), marginRight: this.originalElement.css("marginRight"), marginBottom: this.originalElement.css("marginBottom"), marginLeft: this.originalElement.css("marginLeft") }, this.element.css(r), this.originalElement.css("margin", 0), this.originalResizeStyle = this.originalElement.css("resize"), this.originalElement.css("resize", "none"), this._proportionallyResizeElements.push(this.originalElement.css({ position: "static", zoom: 1, display: "block" })), this.originalElement.css(r), this._proportionallyResize()); this._setupHandles(); t.autoHide && n(this.element).on("mouseenter", function () { t.disabled || (i._removeClass("ui-resizable-autohide"), }).on("mouseleave", function () { t.disabled || i.resizing || (i._addClass("ui-resizable-autohide"), i._handles.hide()) }); this._mouseInit() }, _destroy: function () { this._mouseDestroy(); var t, i = function (t) { n(t).removeData("resizable").removeData("ui-resizable").off(".resizable").find(".ui-resizable-handle").remove() }; return this.elementIsWrapper && (i(this.element), t = this.element, this.originalElement.css({ position: t.css("position"), width: t.outerWidth(), height: t.outerHeight(), top: t.css("top"), left: t.css("left") }).insertAfter(t), t.remove()), this.originalElement.css("resize", this.originalResizeStyle), i(this.originalElement), this }, _setOption: function (n, t) { switch (this._super(n, t), n) { case "handles": this._removeHandles(); this._setupHandles() } }, _setupHandles: function () { var i, r, u, o, t, f = this.options, e = this; if (this.handles = f.handles || (n(".ui-resizable-handle", this.element).length ? { n: ".ui-resizable-n", e: ".ui-resizable-e", s: ".ui-resizable-s", w: ".ui-resizable-w", se: ".ui-resizable-se", sw: ".ui-resizable-sw", ne: ".ui-resizable-ne", nw: ".ui-resizable-nw" } : "e,s,se"), this._handles = n(), this.handles.constructor === String) for ("all" === this.handles && (this.handles = "n,e,s,w,se,sw,ne,nw"), u = this.handles.split(","), this.handles = {}, r = 0; u.length > r; r++)i = n.trim(u[r]), o = "ui-resizable-" + i, t = n("
"), this._addClass(t, "ui-resizable-handle " + o), t.css({ zIndex: f.zIndex }), this.handles[i] = ".ui-resizable-" + i, this.element.append(t); this._renderAxis = function (t) { var i, r, u, f; t = t || this.element; for (i in this.handles) this.handles[i].constructor === String ? this.handles[i] = this.element.children(this.handles[i]).first().show() : (this.handles[i].jquery || this.handles[i].nodeType) && (this.handles[i] = n(this.handles[i]), this._on(this.handles[i], { mousedown: e._mouseDown })), this.elementIsWrapper && this.originalElement[0].nodeName.match(/^(textarea|input|select|button)$/i) && (r = n(this.handles[i], this.element), f = /sw|ne|nw|se|n|s/.test(i) ? r.outerHeight() : r.outerWidth(), u = ["padding", /ne|nw|n/.test(i) ? "Top" : /se|sw|s/.test(i) ? "Bottom" : /^e$/.test(i) ? "Right" : "Left"].join(""), t.css(u, f), this._proportionallyResize()), this._handles = this._handles.add(this.handles[i]) }; this._renderAxis(this.element); this._handles = this._handles.add(this.element.find(".ui-resizable-handle")); this._handles.disableSelection(); this._handles.on("mouseover", function () { e.resizing || (this.className && (t = this.className.match(/ui-resizable-(se|sw|ne|nw|n|e|s|w)/i)), e.axis = t && t[1] ? t[1] : "se") }); f.autoHide && (this._handles.hide(), this._addClass("ui-resizable-autohide")) }, _removeHandles: function () { this._handles.remove() }, _mouseCapture: function (t) { var r, i, u = !1; for (r in this.handles) i = n(this.handles[r])[0], (i === || n.contains(i, && (u = !0); return !this.options.disabled && u }, _mouseStart: function (t) { var u, f, e, r = this.options, i = this.element; return this.resizing = !0, this._renderProxy(), u = this._num(this.helper.css("left")), f = this._num(this.helper.css("top")), r.containment && (u += n(r.containment).scrollLeft() || 0, f += n(r.containment).scrollTop() || 0), this.offset = this.helper.offset(), this.position = { left: u, top: f }, this.size = this._helper ? { width: this.helper.width(), height: this.helper.height() } : { width: i.width(), height: i.height() }, this.originalSize = this._helper ? { width: i.outerWidth(), height: i.outerHeight() } : { width: i.width(), height: i.height() }, this.sizeDiff = { width: i.outerWidth() - i.width(), height: i.outerHeight() - i.height() }, this.originalPosition = { left: u, top: f }, this.originalMousePosition = { left: t.pageX, top: t.pageY }, this.aspectRatio = "number" == typeof r.aspectRatio ? r.aspectRatio : this.originalSize.width / this.originalSize.height || 1, e = n(".ui-resizable-" + this.axis).css("cursor"), n("body").css("cursor", "auto" === e ? this.axis + "-resize" : e), this._addClass("ui-resizable-resizing"), this._propagate("start", t), !0 }, _mouseDrag: function (t) { var i, r, u = this.originalMousePosition, e = this.axis, o = t.pageX - u.left || 0, s = t.pageY - || 0, f = this._change[e]; return this._updatePrevProperties(), f ? (i = f.apply(this, [t, o, s]), this._updateVirtualBoundaries(t.shiftKey), (this._aspectRatio || t.shiftKey) && (i = this._updateRatio(i, t)), i = this._respectSize(i, t), this._updateCache(i), this._propagate("resize", t), r = this._applyChanges(), !this._helper && this._proportionallyResizeElements.length && this._proportionallyResize(), n.isEmptyObject(r) || (this._updatePrevProperties(), this._trigger("resize", t, this.ui()), this._applyChanges()), !1) : !1 }, _mouseStop: function (t) { this.resizing = !1; var r, u, f, e, o, s, h, c = this.options, i = this; return this._helper && (r = this._proportionallyResizeElements, u = r.length && /textarea/i.test(r[0].nodeName), f = u && this._hasScroll(r[0], "left") ? 0 : i.sizeDiff.height, e = u ? 0 : i.sizeDiff.width, o = { width: i.helper.width() - e, height: i.helper.height() - f }, s = parseFloat(i.element.css("left")) + (i.position.left - i.originalPosition.left) || null, h = parseFloat(i.element.css("top")) + ( - || null, c.animate || this.element.css(n.extend(o, { top: h, left: s })), i.helper.height(i.size.height), i.helper.width(i.size.width), this._helper && !c.animate && this._proportionallyResize()), n("body").css("cursor", "auto"), this._removeClass("ui-resizable-resizing"), this._propagate("stop", t), this._helper && this.helper.remove(), !1 }, _updatePrevProperties: function () { this.prevPosition = { top:, left: this.position.left }; this.prevSize = { width: this.size.width, height: this.size.height } }, _applyChanges: function () { var n = {}; return !== && ( = + "px"), this.position.left !== this.prevPosition.left && (n.left = this.position.left + "px"), this.size.width !== this.prevSize.width && (n.width = this.size.width + "px"), this.size.height !== this.prevSize.height && (n.height = this.size.height + "px"), this.helper.css(n), n }, _updateVirtualBoundaries: function (n) { var r, u, f, e, t, i = this.options; t = { minWidth: this._isNumber(i.minWidth) ? i.minWidth : 0, maxWidth: this._isNumber(i.maxWidth) ? i.maxWidth : 1 / 0, minHeight: this._isNumber(i.minHeight) ? i.minHeight : 0, maxHeight: this._isNumber(i.maxHeight) ? i.maxHeight : 1 / 0 }; (this._aspectRatio || n) && (r = t.minHeight * this.aspectRatio, f = t.minWidth / this.aspectRatio, u = t.maxHeight * this.aspectRatio, e = t.maxWidth / this.aspectRatio, r > t.minWidth && (t.minWidth = r), f > t.minHeight && (t.minHeight = f), t.maxWidth > u && (t.maxWidth = u), t.maxHeight > e && (t.maxHeight = e)); this._vBoundaries = t }, _updateCache: function (n) { this.offset = this.helper.offset(); this._isNumber(n.left) && (this.position.left = n.left); this._isNumber( && ( =; this._isNumber(n.height) && (this.size.height = n.height); this._isNumber(n.width) && (this.size.width = n.width) }, _updateRatio: function (n) { var t = this.position, i = this.size, r = this.axis; return this._isNumber(n.height) ? n.width = n.height * this.aspectRatio : this._isNumber(n.width) && (n.height = n.width / this.aspectRatio), "sw" === r && (n.left = t.left + (i.width - n.width), = null), "nw" === r && ( = + (i.height - n.height), n.left = t.left + (i.width - n.width)), n }, _respectSize: function (n) { var t = this._vBoundaries, i = this.axis, r = this._isNumber(n.width) && t.maxWidth && t.maxWidth < n.width, u = this._isNumber(n.height) && t.maxHeight && t.maxHeight < n.height, f = this._isNumber(n.width) && t.minWidth && t.minWidth > n.width, e = this._isNumber(n.height) && t.minHeight && t.minHeight > n.height, o = this.originalPosition.left + this.originalSize.width, s = + this.originalSize.height, h = /sw|nw|w/.test(i), c = /nw|ne|n/.test(i); return f && (n.width = t.minWidth), e && (n.height = t.minHeight), r && (n.width = t.maxWidth), u && (n.height = t.maxHeight), f && h && (n.left = o - t.minWidth), r && h && (n.left = o - t.maxWidth), e && c && ( = s - t.minHeight), u && c && ( = s - t.maxHeight), n.width || n.height || n.left || ! ? n.width || n.height || || !n.left || (n.left = null) : = null, n }, _getPaddingPlusBorderDimensions: function (n) { for (var t = 0, i = [], r = [n.css("borderTopWidth"), n.css("borderRightWidth"), n.css("borderBottomWidth"), n.css("borderLeftWidth")], u = [n.css("paddingTop"), n.css("paddingRight"), n.css("paddingBottom"), n.css("paddingLeft")]; 4 > t; t++)i[t] = parseFloat(r[t]) || 0, i[t] += parseFloat(u[t]) || 0; return { height: i[0] + i[2], width: i[1] + i[3] } }, _proportionallyResize: function () { if (this._proportionallyResizeElements.length) for (var n, t = 0, i = this.helper || this.element; this._proportionallyResizeElements.length > t; t++)n = this._proportionallyResizeElements[t], this.outerDimensions || (this.outerDimensions = this._getPaddingPlusBorderDimensions(n)), n.css({ height: i.height() - this.outerDimensions.height || 0, width: i.width() - this.outerDimensions.width || 0 }) }, _renderProxy: function () { var t = this.element, i = this.options; this.elementOffset = t.offset(); this._helper ? (this.helper = this.helper || n("
<\/div>"), this._addClass(this.helper, this._helper), this.helper.css({ width: this.element.outerWidth(), height: this.element.outerHeight(), position: "absolute", left: this.elementOffset.left + "px", top: + "px", zIndex: ++i.zIndex }), this.helper.appendTo("body").disableSelection()) : this.helper = this.element }, _change: { e: function (n, t) { return { width: this.originalSize.width + t } }, w: function (n, t) { var i = this.originalSize, r = this.originalPosition; return { left: r.left + t, width: i.width - t } }, n: function (n, t, i) { var r = this.originalSize, u = this.originalPosition; return { top: + i, height: r.height - i } }, s: function (n, t, i) { return { height: this.originalSize.height + i } }, se: function (t, i, r) { return n.extend(this._change.s.apply(this, arguments), this._change.e.apply(this, [t, i, r])) }, sw: function (t, i, r) { return n.extend(this._change.s.apply(this, arguments), this._change.w.apply(this, [t, i, r])) }, ne: function (t, i, r) { return n.extend(this._change.n.apply(this, arguments), this._change.e.apply(this, [t, i, r])) }, nw: function (t, i, r) { return n.extend(this._change.n.apply(this, arguments), this._change.w.apply(this, [t, i, r])) } }, _propagate: function (t, i) {, t, [i, this.ui()]); "resize" !== t && this._trigger(t, i, this.ui()) }, plugins: {}, ui: function () { return { originalElement: this.originalElement, element: this.element, helper: this.helper, position: this.position, size: this.size, originalSize: this.originalSize, originalPosition: this.originalPosition } } }); n.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "animate", { stop: function (t) { var i = n(this).resizable("instance"), u = i.options, r = i._proportionallyResizeElements, f = r.length && /textarea/i.test(r[0].nodeName), s = f && i._hasScroll(r[0], "left") ? 0 : i.sizeDiff.height, h = f ? 0 : i.sizeDiff.width, c = { width: i.size.width - h, height: i.size.height - s }, e = parseFloat(i.element.css("left")) + (i.position.left - i.originalPosition.left) || null, o = parseFloat(i.element.css("top")) + ( - || null; i.element.animate(n.extend(c, o && e ? { top: o, left: e } : {}), { duration: u.animateDuration, easing: u.animateEasing, step: function () { var u = { width: parseFloat(i.element.css("width")), height: parseFloat(i.element.css("height")), top: parseFloat(i.element.css("top")), left: parseFloat(i.element.css("left")) }; r && r.length && n(r[0]).css({ width: u.width, height: u.height }); i._updateCache(u); i._propagate("resize", t) } }) } }); n.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "containment", { start: function () { var r, f, e, o, s, h, c, t = n(this).resizable("instance"), l = t.options, a = t.element, u = l.containment, i = u instanceof n ? u.get(0) : /parent/.test(u) ? a.parent().get(0) : u; i && (t.containerElement = n(i), /document/.test(u) || u === document ? (t.containerOffset = { left: 0, top: 0 }, t.containerPosition = { left: 0, top: 0 }, t.parentData = { element: n(document), left: 0, top: 0, width: n(document).width(), height: n(document).height() || document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight }) : (r = n(i), f = [], n(["Top", "Right", "Left", "Bottom"]).each(function (n, i) { f[n] = t._num(r.css("padding" + i)) }), t.containerOffset = r.offset(), t.containerPosition = r.position(), t.containerSize = { height: r.innerHeight() - f[3], width: r.innerWidth() - f[1] }, e = t.containerOffset, o = t.containerSize.height, s = t.containerSize.width, h = t._hasScroll(i, "left") ? i.scrollWidth : s, c = t._hasScroll(i) ? i.scrollHeight : o, t.parentData = { element: i, left: e.left, top:, width: h, height: c })) }, resize: function (t) { var o, s, h, c, i = n(this).resizable("instance"), v = i.options, r = i.containerOffset, l = i.position, f = i._aspectRatio || t.shiftKey, e = { top: 0, left: 0 }, a = i.containerElement, u = !0; a[0] !== document && /static/.test(a.css("position")) && (e = r); l.left < (i._helper ? r.left : 0) && (i.size.width = i.size.width + (i._helper ? i.position.left - r.left : i.position.left - e.left), f && (i.size.height = i.size.width / i.aspectRatio, u = !1), i.position.left = v.helper ? r.left : 0); < (i._helper ? : 0) && (i.size.height = i.size.height + (i._helper ? - :, f && (i.size.width = i.size.height * i.aspectRatio, u = !1), = i._helper ? : 0); h = i.containerElement.get(0) === i.element.parent().get(0); c = /relative|absolute/.test(i.containerElement.css("position")); h && c ? (i.offset.left = i.parentData.left + i.position.left, = + : (i.offset.left = i.element.offset().left, = i.element.offset().top); o = Math.abs(i.sizeDiff.width + (i._helper ? i.offset.left - e.left : i.offset.left - r.left)); s = Math.abs(i.sizeDiff.height + (i._helper ? - : -; o + i.size.width >= i.parentData.width && (i.size.width = i.parentData.width - o, f && (i.size.height = i.size.width / i.aspectRatio, u = !1)); s + i.size.height >= i.parentData.height && (i.size.height = i.parentData.height - s, f && (i.size.width = i.size.height * i.aspectRatio, u = !1)); u || (i.position.left = i.prevPosition.left, =, i.size.width = i.prevSize.width, i.size.height = i.prevSize.height) }, stop: function () { var t = n(this).resizable("instance"), r = t.options, u = t.containerOffset, f = t.containerPosition, e = t.containerElement, i = n(t.helper), o = i.offset(), s = i.outerWidth() - t.sizeDiff.width, h = i.outerHeight() - t.sizeDiff.height; t._helper && !r.animate && /relative/.test(e.css("position")) && n(this).css({ left: o.left - f.left - u.left, width: s, height: h }); t._helper && !r.animate && /static/.test(e.css("position")) && n(this).css({ left: o.left - f.left - u.left, width: s, height: h }) } }); n.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "alsoResize", { start: function () { var t = n(this).resizable("instance"), i = t.options; n(i.alsoResize).each(function () { var t = n(this);"ui-resizable-alsoresize", { width: parseFloat(t.width()), height: parseFloat(t.height()), left: parseFloat(t.css("left")), top: parseFloat(t.css("top")) }) }) }, resize: function (t, i) { var r = n(this).resizable("instance"), e = r.options, u = r.originalSize, f = r.originalPosition, o = { height: r.size.height - u.height || 0, width: r.size.width - u.width || 0, top: - || 0, left: r.position.left - f.left || 0 }; n(e.alsoResize).each(function () { var t = n(this), u = n(this).data("ui-resizable-alsoresize"), r = {}, f = t.parents(i.originalElement[0]).length ? ["width", "height"] : ["width", "height", "top", "left"]; n.each(f, function (n, t) { var i = (u[t] || 0) + (o[t] || 0); i && i >= 0 && (r[t] = i || null) }); t.css(r) }) }, stop: function () { n(this).removeData("ui-resizable-alsoresize") } }); n.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "ghost", { start: function () { var t = n(this).resizable("instance"), i = t.size; t.ghost = t.originalElement.clone(); t.ghost.css({ opacity: .25, display: "block", position: "relative", height: i.height, width: i.width, margin: 0, left: 0, top: 0 }); t._addClass(t.ghost, "ui-resizable-ghost"); n.uiBackCompat !== !1 && "string" == typeof t.options.ghost && t.ghost.addClass(this.options.ghost); t.ghost.appendTo(t.helper) }, resize: function () { var t = n(this).resizable("instance"); t.ghost && t.ghost.css({ position: "relative", height: t.size.height, width: t.size.width }) }, stop: function () { var t = n(this).resizable("instance"); t.ghost && t.helper && t.helper.get(0).removeChild(t.ghost.get(0)) } }); n.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "grid", { resize: function () { var h, t = n(this).resizable("instance"), i = t.options, y = t.size, o = t.originalSize, s = t.originalPosition, c = t.axis, l = "number" == typeof i.grid ? [i.grid, i.grid] : i.grid, f = l[0] || 1, e = l[1] || 1, a = Math.round((y.width - o.width) / f) * f, v = Math.round((y.height - o.height) / e) * e, r = o.width + a, u = o.height + v, p = i.maxWidth && r > i.maxWidth, w = i.maxHeight && u > i.maxHeight, b = i.minWidth && i.minWidth > r, k = i.minHeight && i.minHeight > u; i.grid = l; b && (r += f); k && (u += e); p && (r -= f); w && (u -= e); /^(se|s|e)$/.test(c) ? (t.size.width = r, t.size.height = u) : /^(ne)$/.test(c) ? (t.size.width = r, t.size.height = u, = - v) : /^(sw)$/.test(c) ? (t.size.width = r, t.size.height = u, t.position.left = s.left - a) : ((0 >= u - e || 0 >= r - f) && (h = t._getPaddingPlusBorderDimensions(this)), u - e > 0 ? (t.size.height = u, = - v) : (u = e - h.height, t.size.height = u, = + o.height - u), r - f > 0 ? (t.size.width = r, t.position.left = s.left - a) : (r = f - h.width, t.size.width = r, t.position.left = s.left + o.width - r)) } }); n.ui.resizable; n.widget("ui.selectable", n.ui.mouse, { version: "1.12.1", options: { appendTo: "body", autoRefresh: !0, distance: 0, filter: "*", tolerance: "touch", selected: null, selecting: null, start: null, stop: null, unselected: null, unselecting: null }, _create: function () { var t = this; this._addClass("ui-selectable"); this.dragged = !1; this.refresh = function () { t.elementPos = n(t.element[0]).offset(); t.selectees = n(t.options.filter, t.element[0]); t._addClass(t.selectees, "ui-selectee"); t.selectees.each(function () { var i = n(this), u = i.offset(), r = { left: u.left - t.elementPos.left, top: - };, "selectable-item", { element: this, $element: i, left: r.left, top:, right: r.left + i.outerWidth(), bottom: + i.outerHeight(), startselected: !1, selected: i.hasClass("ui-selected"), selecting: i.hasClass("ui-selecting"), unselecting: i.hasClass("ui-unselecting") }) }) }; this.refresh(); this._mouseInit(); this.helper = n("
"); this._addClass(this.helper, "ui-selectable-helper") }, _destroy: function () { this.selectees.removeData("selectable-item"); this._mouseDestroy() }, _mouseStart: function (t) { var i = this, r = this.options; this.opos = [t.pageX, t.pageY]; this.elementPos = n(this.element[0]).offset(); this.options.disabled || (this.selectees = n(r.filter, this.element[0]), this._trigger("start", t), n(r.appendTo).append(this.helper), this.helper.css({ left: t.pageX, top: t.pageY, width: 0, height: 0 }), r.autoRefresh && this.refresh(), this.selectees.filter(".ui-selected").each(function () { var r =, "selectable-item"); r.startselected = !0; t.metaKey || t.ctrlKey || (i._removeClass(r.$element, "ui-selected"), r.selected = !1, i._addClass(r.$element, "ui-unselecting"), r.unselecting = !0, i._trigger("unselecting", t, { unselecting: r.element })) }), n( () { var u, r =, "selectable-item"); if (r) return (u = !t.metaKey && !t.ctrlKey || !r.$element.hasClass("ui-selected"), i._removeClass(r.$element, u ? "ui-unselecting" : "ui-selected")._addClass(r.$element, u ? "ui-selecting" : "ui-unselecting"), r.unselecting = !u, r.selecting = u, r.selected = u, u ? i._trigger("selecting", t, { selecting: r.element }) : i._trigger("unselecting", t, { unselecting: r.element }), !1) })) }, _mouseDrag: function (t) { if (this.dragged = !0, !this.options.disabled) { var o, i = this, s = this.options, r = this.opos[0], u = this.opos[1], f = t.pageX, e = t.pageY; return r > f && (o = f, f = r, r = o), u > e && (o = e, e = u, u = o), this.helper.css({ left: r, top: u, width: f - r, height: e - u }), this.selectees.each(function () { var o =, "selectable-item"), c = !1, h = {}; o && o.element !== i.element[0] && (h.left = o.left + i.elementPos.left, h.right = o.right + i.elementPos.left, = +, h.bottom = o.bottom +, "touch" === s.tolerance ? c = !(h.left > f || r > h.right || > e || u > h.bottom) : "fit" === s.tolerance && (c = h.left > r && f > h.right && > u && e > h.bottom), c ? (o.selected && (i._removeClass(o.$element, "ui-selected"), o.selected = !1), o.unselecting && (i._removeClass(o.$element, "ui-unselecting"), o.unselecting = !1), o.selecting || (i._addClass(o.$element, "ui-selecting"), o.selecting = !0, i._trigger("selecting", t, { selecting: o.element }))) : (o.selecting && ((t.metaKey || t.ctrlKey) && o.startselected ? (i._removeClass(o.$element, "ui-selecting"), o.selecting = !1, i._addClass(o.$element, "ui-selected"), o.selected = !0) : (i._removeClass(o.$element, "ui-selecting"), o.selecting = !1, o.startselected && (i._addClass(o.$element, "ui-unselecting"), o.unselecting = !0), i._trigger("unselecting", t, { unselecting: o.element }))), o.selected && (t.metaKey || t.ctrlKey || o.startselected || (i._removeClass(o.$element, "ui-selected"), o.selected = !1, i._addClass(o.$element, "ui-unselecting"), o.unselecting = !0, i._trigger("unselecting", t, { unselecting: o.element }))))) }), !1 } }, _mouseStop: function (t) { var i = this; return this.dragged = !1, n(".ui-unselecting", this.element[0]).each(function () { var r =, "selectable-item"); i._removeClass(r.$element, "ui-unselecting"); r.unselecting = !1; r.startselected = !1; i._trigger("unselected", t, { unselected: r.element }) }), n(".ui-selecting", this.element[0]).each(function () { var r =, "selectable-item"); i._removeClass(r.$element, "ui-selecting")._addClass(r.$element, "ui-selected"); r.selecting = !1; r.selected = !0; r.startselected = !0; i._trigger("selected", t, { selected: r.element }) }), this._trigger("stop", t), this.helper.remove(), !1 } }); n.widget("ui.sortable", n.ui.mouse, { version: "1.12.1", widgetEventPrefix: "sort", ready: !1, options: { appendTo: "parent", axis: !1, connectWith: !1, containment: !1, cursor: "auto", cursorAt: !1, dropOnEmpty: !0, forcePlaceholderSize: !1, forceHelperSize: !1, grid: !1, handle: !1, helper: "original", items: "> *", opacity: !1, placeholder: !1, revert: !1, scroll: !0, scrollSensitivity: 20, scrollSpeed: 20, scope: "default", tolerance: "intersect", zIndex: 1e3, activate: null, beforeStop: null, change: null, deactivate: null, out: null, over: null, receive: null, remove: null, sort: null, start: null, stop: null, update: null }, _isOverAxis: function (n, t, i) { return n >= t && t + i > n }, _isFloating: function (n) { return /left|right/.test(n.css("float")) || /inline|table-cell/.test(n.css("display")) }, _create: function () { this.containerCache = {}; this._addClass("ui-sortable"); this.refresh(); this.offset = this.element.offset(); this._mouseInit(); this._setHandleClassName(); this.ready = !0 }, _setOption: function (n, t) { this._super(n, t); "handle" === n && this._setHandleClassName() }, _setHandleClassName: function () { var t = this; this._removeClass(this.element.find(".ui-sortable-handle"), "ui-sortable-handle"); n.each(this.items, function () { t._addClass(this.instance.options.handle ? this.item.find(this.instance.options.handle) : this.item, "ui-sortable-handle") }) }, _destroy: function () { this._mouseDestroy(); for (var n = this.items.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)this.items[n].item.removeData(this.widgetName + "-item"); return this }, _mouseCapture: function (t, i) { var r = null, f = !1, u = this; return this.reverting ? !1 : this.options.disabled || "static" === this.options.type ? !1 : (this._refreshItems(t), n( () { if (, u.widgetName + "-item") === u) return (r = n(this), !1) }),, u.widgetName + "-item") === u && (r = n(, r ? !this.options.handle || i || (n(this.options.handle, r).find("*").addBack().each(function () { this === && (f = !0) }), f) ? (this.currentItem = r, this._removeCurrentsFromItems(), !0) : !1 : !1) }, _mouseStart: function (t, i, r) { var f, e, u = this.options; if (this.currentContainer = this, this.refreshPositions(), this.helper = this._createHelper(t), this._cacheHelperProportions(), this._cacheMargins(), this.scrollParent = this.helper.scrollParent(), this.offset = this.currentItem.offset(), this.offset = { top: -, left: this.offset.left - this.margins.left }, n.extend(this.offset, { click: { left: t.pageX - this.offset.left, top: t.pageY - }, parent: this._getParentOffset(), relative: this._getRelativeOffset() }), this.helper.css("position", "absolute"), this.cssPosition = this.helper.css("position"), this.originalPosition = this._generatePosition(t), this.originalPageX = t.pageX, this.originalPageY = t.pageY, u.cursorAt && this._adjustOffsetFromHelper(u.cursorAt), this.domPosition = { prev: this.currentItem.prev()[0], parent: this.currentItem.parent()[0] }, this.helper[0] !== this.currentItem[0] && this.currentItem.hide(), this._createPlaceholder(), u.containment && this._setContainment(), u.cursor && "auto" !== u.cursor && (e = this.document.find("body"), this.storedCursor = e.css("cursor"), e.css("cursor", u.cursor), this.storedStylesheet = n("